Nando Group is one of Washington’s leading  government affairs &  business development consulting firms. We help clients envision, plan and realize major projects in technology, infrastructure, energy, and other areas that are affected by government legislation, regulation and appropriations.

We have over ten years of substantive experience that brings insight into planning and informs execution. We focus opportunities and problems through many lenses of technical expertise and articulate comprehensive strategic outlooks.


  • Strategic Planning
    We help project sponsors and stakeholders forecast project scenarios and identify elements required for success. We create strategies that take into account political climate, funding opportunities and alternatives, and operating structures. We make informed recommendations on the value of proceeding.
  • Business Case Development
    Projects have many stakeholders that must achieve consensus. We build win-win business cases tailored to as many stakeholders as necessary. We develop the value argument so that it engages audiences including legislators, investors, communities, builders and operators. We contrast against alternative scenarios and create strategies for risk mitigation.
  • Operations Audits/Asset Management
    We provide clients with an independent evaluation of their operating status, including indentifying strengths to leverage and new threats to avoid. We operate either in the background as a decision support resource, or we actively direct operations improvements.
  • Project Management
    We act as a project sponsor’s agent to manage all aspects of complex projects. We create the solicitation of the project and oversee all teaming arrangements.
  • Partnerships
    We help identify partnerships early and guide project development, political authorization and funding processes for optimum results. We address the complete range of opportunities and problems that surround a complex project and create tactical plans with accountable goals and milestones. We articulate strategic approaches on the front end and manage implementation even down to the one-to-one level at critical junctures. We speak the language in a way that resonates from federal approval through local mandate.
  • Grants
    Major grant campaigns require an effective strategy and broad teamwork to compile extensive, complicated content and craft an effective, focused response. We lead the content generation process and take over final implementation to ensure that the proposal is properly framed, thoroughly responsive and effectively actionable.

The Nando Group

Washington, D.C. ** San Diego, CA  ** Qatar ** South Africa ** Beijing